Wow. What an amazing and busy summer! It kick started in May with a Lake District artist retreat which myself and artist Lindsay Pritchard (momma Pritch) organised and since then I’ve been involved in 2 big art fairs, 2 in person exhibitions and 1 online exhibition.
- The Wildlife Art Society International Annual Exhibition
- Fresh Art Fair, Cheltenham
- Exhibition Of Wildlife Art
- UK Coloured Pencil Society Annual Exhibition
- Leamington Art In The Park

It’s too difficult to choose a favourite as each were unique, meeting many different artists and dare I say… admirers/fans of my work. I also became part of a new artist cooperative called ‘One World Imagined’ with the five of us in the group planning to exhibit together regularly in the years to come.
I’ve gained lots of new artist friends to help keep me sane through the winter from the solitude of my studio until we all meet again for exhibition season next summer! My work has featured in print in the form of a gigantic lamppost banner AND on the newly released Derwent Academy Pastel Colours pencil tin.

What Next?
There’s still plenty more to come! In November I’ll be heading to London for the Sketch For Survival charity art auction of which I am an invitational artist for 2022. The auction is in aid of wildlife conservation efforts with 100% of the proceeds being designated to various organisations through Explorers Against Extinction.

I will also be continuing work on my ‘Natural Worlds’ series which has been a bit neglected the past 3 months due to all the exhibitions and events. On top of this, I have plenty of new ideas swimming around my brain which I plan to start work on soon. I’ve just ordered a fish tank and some inks to assist me with one project so watch this space!