Since completing my tiger drawing titled ‘Hear Me Roar‘ in January, I’ve had my head down working on the first piece in a brand new series of drawings called ‘Natural Worlds’.

For this series I’m going to be diving into the world of surrealism whilst also bringing conservation and animal welfare to the forefront of peoples minds.
‘What would the Universe be like if each ecosystem lived on its own planet where animals could freely play, hunt and eat without any interference from outside worlds’
First in the series is ‘Leonis‘, an African male lion leaping towards a couple of bee-eaters above their very own planet complete with snow caped mountains.

This whole series has been over two years in the planning, I had a rough idea of what I wanted to do and on Boxing Day 2019 something clicked into place so I ran to grab a pen and the closest piece of paper I could find which happened to be the back of a Christmas card and scribbled down my idea.
Once all the drawings are complete, I will be hosting an exhibition to showcase them all. This is in the planning but currently there is no set date.

Due to the collectable nature of this collection, prints will be released in batches at certain times of year. To keep up to date on releases, please subscribe to my newsletter by scrolling to the bottom of my homepage.
A 10% profit from each print sold will go to a charity related to the main animal drawn in the piece. For each ‘Leonis‘ print sold, 10% will go to Blood Lions who work tirelessly to close down lion breeding centres which raise lions until they are 2 years old and then release them to be hunted for sport.