In the News!

It’s been quite the week this week! Just before Christmas, I was contacted by the University of Wolverhampton (the University I studied Graphic Design at) as they wanted to write a piece on me and my business for their news page. I was quite excited by this and gave a full interview on myself and how I came to draw pet portraits for a living. You can read the full article here:

This news piece was then noticed by the Express and Star newspaper who wanted to create a short write up on my work and printed it in Tuesday’s (9/1/18) paper! Being in the newspaper and having my artwork seen by all who read it was a dream of mine as a little girl so to have it come true felt amazing.

My piece in the paper!
My piece in the paper!

I’ve also been contacted by Derwent pencils to be a resident art blogger which is highly exciting! This week they send me a range of pencils they would like me to use and review, so in the next few weeks I’ll be writing a blog post for their own site. Watch this space!

The pencils that Derwent have asked me to review
The pencils that Derwent have asked me to review

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