For Christmas I was lucky enough to receive two tickets to see wildlife presenter and conservationist Chris Packham. He is a very inspirational person to many wildlife lovers around the world and gave the whole audience plenty of ideas on how we can all help wildlife in our own back gardens such as planting plenty of wildflowers and not seeing weeds as a bad thing.

Chris spoke of many tales from his adventures around the globe seeking and observing some of the most elusive animals but by far his most passionate story was the time he was ‘pooped’ on by a condor.

During the interval I was fortunate enough to be one of the few who got to meet the man himself (and cheekily slip him a business card), and gain a signed copy of his book ‘Back To Nature’.

It was a truly inspirational evening and I’ve come away with lots of new ideas on how to look after the wildlife in my own back garden and promote conservation through my art.